Judge Keeps Man In Jail For Not Having Password To Two-Year-Old Email Address – National Justice

Judge Keeps Man In Jail For Not Having Password To Two-Year-Old Email Address


Norman Moon has put former political activist Elliot Kline in jail for “civil contempt” over not having access to an email address from August 2017, an incredibly rare move reserved mostly for men who do not pay child support.

The civil case, Sines v. Kessler, has been controversial from the get-go due to the lack of any substantiation for core claims. The accusation is that everyone who attended the legally permitted Charlottesville Unite the Right demonstration went with the specific criminal intent of committing violence against Jews. They are using an archaic 19th century anti-Klan law to argue this far fetched assertion, even though it has already been debunked by the only objective state-approved investigation into Charlottesville, the Heaphy Report, which has been treated as an irrelevant distraction in all of the related cases overseen by Judge Moon.

The lawsuit is being spearheaded by wealthy Zionists who wish to use the civil court system to punish legal speech and assembly, according to their own words. The only thing keeping it going is the many millions of dollars they have raised and the media blitz they originally rode. Judge Moon has demonstrated stark political bias and will go down in history next to Amy Berman-Jackson as the personification of the “post-legal” court system. 

In Sines v. Kessler, the wealthy politically connected litigator Roberta Kaplan has been able to get Moon to rule in contempt men who state under oath that they cannot access old social media accounts, have lost or discarded cell phones prior to subpoena, and other invasive and often times unrealistic demands made by the Plaintiffs.  

Unlike pedophiles and murderers, many of the civil defendants in Sines v. Kessler cannot find competent defense attorneys due to political pressure and fears of retaliatory left-wing paramilitary violence lawyers have suffered elsewhere.  

Now in 2020, Kaplan and company have grown extra desperate. The water in their expensive fishing expedition is rapidly going down the drain.

Would you be able to remember the password to that three year old email address whose login details you have long forgotten if Kaplan and Moon threw you in a dungeon? In the case of Kline, they’re going to test that question with a brand new cruel and unusual precedent. . 


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